Application delegate root view controller

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Voulez-vous vraiment? Votre message apparaîtra ici. Rima Dabboussi , Maral Sabbagh. Aucun téléchargement. Vues Nombre de vues. Actions Partages. Intégrations 0 Aucune incorporation.

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Aucune remarque pour cette diapositive. PLAN 1. Environnement de Développement iOS 2.

IHM Guidelines 4. Architecture iOS 3. Architecture en Couches Dr. Hiérarchie des Vues Exemple Dr. Mode normalpourles applications en avant-plan En général, état transitoire avant la suspension Mais, certaines applications entrent directement dans cet état au lieu de inactive, si elles veulent exécuter du codeen arrière plan au démarrage Vous avez clippé votre première diapositive!

Make your app delegate the tab bar controller's delegate, either in Interface Builder or in code:. Then, when the tab bar switches to a different view, you get notified, at which point you pop to the root of the selected nav controller thus:.

Swift - Accès à la fenêtre AppDelegate depuis viewController

Each view controller should have its own table view, so I don't know what you are trying to do by the reload. Learn more. Asked 10 years, 3 months ago. Active 7 years, 5 months ago. Viewed 4k times.

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I'm rigth? Mey Mey. Daniel Dickison Daniel Dickison Im trying the reload because i want to use this to call a conection method each time i show the tables.

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  6. I added this to my code, bt continue doing the same, without enter in the didSelectViewController method. Note that between my appdelegate and the rest, i have a welcomeScreen viewcontroller, then where i declare the tabbarcontrolelr and where i put the line: self. I dont know if this make some difference. Put a break point on the line where you set the delegate. If it's not getting called, you obviously need to put it elsewhere.

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    Perhaps you're putting it in an init method that doesn't get called. I declare this: self.

    Swift 3: Audible - Hijacking Root View Controller from AppDelegate (Ep 8)

    Now i can enter in the didSelectViewController, but this doesn't take out of the screen the view. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.