Phone surveillance pros and cons

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A lire aussi : Big Brother Awards: le meilleur du pire en bouquet final? There is a research to show that United-Kingdom is one of the most surveilled countries on Earth. Anyway, the widespread introduction of CCTV over the past 20 years has so far failed to reduce crime, tackle anti-social behavior or improve public safety.

With the revelation that even school toilets and changing rooms are no longer consider private spaces, the debate of the limits is bound to be re-ignited. To conclude, we were wondering if surveillance is a real progress for our society. And actually progress can be something very positive, which improves the safety of humans while reducing the number of attacks.

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However, it can be dangerous if it is misused. We could have also extended the subject to the places of new technologies in our daily lives, and more precisely how, during the presidential elections, new technologies are used? Définition du mot "progress"?

Je l'ai reprise voir ci-dessous , cependant j'ai utilisé tous les documents à ma disposition Et si oui comment le faire sans que cela paraisse "lourd" à l'oral? In , George Orwell published his book with his famous Big Brother which is the figure of the totalitarian State and the extreme control of the liberties or of the private life.

In , Snowden, which is a whistle-blower, used to work for the NSA where he saw a lot of spying. And nowadays, thanks to the whistle-blowers we now know that everything we will do, will be monitored. Whether it is our researches on Internet , our emails, text messages, phone calls, or even what and where we eat, shop Everything will be stocked somewhere. And as a result, they have stopped trying to figure out why a crime happens.

Phone surveillance pros and cons

Research had shown that United-Kingdom is one of the most surveilled countries on Earth. Anyway, the widespread introduction of CCTV over the past 20 years has so far failed to reduce crimes , tackle anti-social behavior or improve public safety. With the revelation that even school toilets and changing rooms are no longer considered private spaces, the debate of the limits is bound to be re-ignited.

To conclude, we were wondering if surveillance was a real progress for our society.