Nsa phone surveillance

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Translation of "La NSA vient de" in English

The decision was taken on 9 January , right after the EP civil liberties committee made public its page draft report on the NSA inquiry, launched in July to investigate the electronic mass surveillance of EU citizens. The draft report, resulted after five months of investigations and hearings, strongly condemns the mass surveillance of EU citizens by US and UK intelligence agencies, reaching the conclusion that intelligence agencies have far exceeded the limits towards systems of mass and indiscriminate surveillance, this undermining the privacy rights of millions of people.

The doctrine at once suggests a few questions: security for whom, and defense against which enemies? The answers are highlighted dramatically by the Snowden revelations.

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Policy must assure the security of state authority and concentrations of domestic power, defending them from a frightening enemy: the domestic population, which can become a great danger if not controlled. It has long been understood that information about the enemy makes a critical contribution to controlling it.

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In that regard, Obama has a series of distinguished predecessors, though his contributions have reached unprecedented levels, as we have learned from the work of Snowden, Greenwald and a few others. To defend state power and private economic power from the domestic enemy, those two entities must be concealed — while in sharp contrast, the enemy must be fully exposed to state authority. The principle was lucidly explained by the policy intellectual Samuel P.

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Huntington added a crucial illustration. As he wrote these words in , the Reagan administration was launching its war on terror — which quickly became a murderous and brutal terrorist war, primarily in Central America, but extending well beyond to southern Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

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NSA phone surveillance revealed by Edward Snowden ruled illegal | US news

L'application est avant tout destinée à des fins de surveillance légales, et il existe de vraies raisons légitimes d'installer le logiciel. Les entreprises, par exemple, peuvent informer leurs employés qu'elles surveillent les téléphones professionnels par mesure de sécurité.

Report: NSA phone spying program illegal

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A Surveillance State Beyond Imagination Is Being Created in One of the World’s Freest Countries

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Révélations d'Edward Snowden — Wikipédia

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